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So that was a long unannounced hiatus… // Also, a work of cli-fi for each day of the week

Sometimes I think school is really pointless. Like, next year I will have no remembrance of literally anything I learned in social studies, so what’s the point? SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME.

Heya earthlings and aliens! Naomi here, and in case you forgot over the very long no-post-period, I am a human (or at least PROBABLY a human) and you are reading a post from the SSCC.

I’m going to pretty much ignore that whole unannounced hiatus thing except to say sorry and hopefully I’ll post more frequently now? Life is being life and blogging continuously is continuously getting forgotten. It’s the saddest thing.

But ANYWHO. Since I feel like doing a bookish post again (I don’t think I’ve done an informational post in a while, but it’s fine. I’ll do it next post?), you’re getting a book for every day of the week! Bear with me when my reasoning makes literally zero sense and I write anywhere between 2 sentences and 2 paragraphs about each day of the week… JUST BE GLAD I’M BACK.

Ohkie, now enjoy!

So people here start the calendar with Sunday, but I start it with Monday because I’m SPECIAL so we’re doing that here.

But anywhooo, Monday is an amazing yet underappreciated day (ok I hate Monday a little but it’s fine I hate The Ones We’re Meant to Find a little too because WHY WAS IT SO SAD SERIOUSLY PEOPLE), and since The Ones We’re Meant to Find is too, boom! Oh plus, both Monday and The Ones We’re Meant to Find are a bit emotional and all over the place. SO.

Tuesday is… I dunno. It’s like that day that I don’t like but I also don’t hate, and Midnight at the Electric is that but a book so it’s a perfect match. Totally.

Sooo there’s the W. Wednesday = Wilder Girls. But then there’s also like the SADNESS AND STUFF of Wednesday to be compared to the SADNESS AND STUFF of Wilder Girls. It’s a perfect match!

So ya know how Thursdays are just SO CLOSE to being good? Like you’re almost to the end of the week and it’s almost Friday and it should be a good day but for some reason it’s not really? That’s the Marrow Thieves. Except, of course, The Marrow Thieves isn’t a day, it’s a book. I loved the IDEA of this book but the writing was an issue for me, ohkie?

*it’s totally wrong to rate your own story… right? But also I just can’t it’s impossible.

So Friday is sorta linked to school (and leaving it), just like Dreamer. Plus, I feel like Dreamer is something you could read on a Friday because it’s a KINDA light read.

So well first off, there’s the wonderful alliteration thing going on here too. Saturday paired with The Sea is Salt and So am I creates SO MANY Ss. So yayyy! Uh huh. But also, am I the only one that thinks SATURDAY IS SUCH A BIG DAY or whatever. Like THERE’S ALL THIS TIME cause school is mean and takes the ENTIRE WEEK and then church and stuff is SUNDAY so Saturday is like THE DAY WHERE YOU DO STUFF.

And also other things like that. And The Sea is Salt and So am I just has that… vibe? I know, I’m great at explaining this, right?

See this was going to be a post on like cli-fi books, but then I decided, well, Iowa Chapman and The Last Dog had to be in this (Dreamer too but whtevs). Oh, and if you decided not to read the okay-looking image above, Iowa Chapman and The Last Dog is a podcast. Like a 3-hour-long one.

It’s cool, okie? And I’m not good at explaining it. But ANYWHO, the whole day of the week thing. See, Sunday to me is like a nice happy day because NO SCHOOL and other things, but like it’s also kinda sad because the weekend is over? And this podcast is pretty much that. So.

Alrighty roo, that should be it! ‘Til next time…

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Haiku Contest!

Heya! ‘Tis Naomi, and I’m doing my first reblog (nope, this blog is not turning into a blog on which I just reblog a bunch of posts – don’t worry)! I thought that this contest sounded fun to do and that, well, since its poetry on climate change, some of you would like to participate… so… wha-la!

Day in and out with Gelina

Hey everyone! I have made another contest! Since many people started writing haikus, I thought it would be nice if I made a haiku contest!

The theme is





























Global Warming/Climate Change!

Here are the rules:

  1. Reblog this post on your blog, saying that you are joining this contest.
  2. You are allowed to submit up to 3 haikus.
  3. Make sure the haiku/haikus and following the theme.
  4. Also make sure that there is nothing inappropriate.
  5. The haiku/haikus have to be made by you and you only.
  6. You don’t need to have a blog to join this contest!
  7. Make sure to submit you haiku/haikus before the deadline: 2 April.
  8. The results will come out on 3 April IF possible.

To submit your entry, fill out

View original post 155 more words

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Well, um…. so… // Hiatus Announcement

Hello everyone! ‘Tis Naomi, of course, and I have very sad news…

I’ve kinda been busy – busy enough that blogging feels very stressful at the moment (and you can probably tell by the weird things that have been going on with the number of times I’m posting)….

And uh, if you read the title, you know that I’m going on a little hiatus.

(Well, not the little part. But.)

Why? Well, because I think I need some time to schedule some posts, write some stories, and get my blogging spark back again. Which I will. And uh, even if I don’t, maybe I’ll just force myself to come back and try it. And then maybe I will again. *shrugs*

In ADDITION, I should really kinda sorta work on a bunch of other things, and I know that said things (Valentine’s day, birthdays {not mine, other people’s}, plays, social studies projects) will be done in about a month. After which I will be returning.

I PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE I’ll be back in a month or two. I won’t be gone for good. And I’ll still (hopefully) take a look at all your posts as well. So I’m not completely disappearing forever.

So, encounter you later! I’ll be back better (hopefully)!

‘Till next month (or the month after that)… I bid you farewell….

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That title may have been a little long. It’s making this text look really small in the editor and it’s weirding me out. But I don’t really wanna change it, so I’m not gonna. Hmph.

Hello humans (and the rest of you, whatever you are – aliens, dragons, robots, cats, CAT ROBOTS, etc. {oh, on the subject of cat robots. I was thinking about, like, what if there were robots that were PETS? Would that be ethical? Or, like, what if the robots were training pets or- ya know, this is very off-topic. EEEEEEERM. Next.})

I’m assuming that, since you clicked on this post, therefore you read the title, and therefore you know what this post will be about. But if that assumption is wrong, or if the title was confusing, I’ll explain that this post is a monthly wrap-up (not a yearly one, although I might do a yearly one a little late, we’ll see.) in which I’ll go over what we did last month and make goals and plans for next month!

And here I go again making a super long intro … let’s just get to the post, shall we?


  1. Stick to the new schedule
    I kneeeeew… I knew I wasn’t gonna make this goal. *dies* I literally said “this might be even harder than 14 posts” and I DIDN’T EVEN APOLOGIZE. Welp. I got out an ok amount of posts? I… uh… this goal…
    *decides she better come out and continue*
    Moving on…
  2. Contest!
    *dramatic fanfare* I completed a goal! Woo-hoo! If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out the New Year’s Resolutions contest.
  3. Begin doing more action ideas
    Guess what?
    *nobody guesses*
    I actually completed more than half my goals! If you haven’t noticed, I’ve begun putting an “action of the day” at the end of my posts along with the “question of the day”!
Photo by on (I feel like I deserve a little celebration)

What we DID do?

*blinks at the screen*
*just sits there*
*cat starts meowing*
*jolts out of her reverie*

So, well, I- I’m not 100% sure what we DID do that was super impressive… Let’s just move on…

This Month’s Media

I listened to another episode of How To Save A Planet – What’s Your 2022 Climate Resolution?

not my picture

I got Silent Spring by Rachel Carson for Christmas (which I’ve been wanting to read for FOREVER. Especially since my history post on Rachel Carson which you can find here {yep, self-promotion rules.}), and began to read it.


  1. Stick to the schedule (once more)
    Erm… yep… I guess we’ll try again? *eeerm*
  2. Host a contest
    The goal I can complete…
  3. Start writing a special something…
    This isn’t something you’re going to see on the blog this month, but I’ve begun to work on researching for a post series that’ll hopefully start coming out sometime in February?
Photo by on


Exciting exciting news!

January 10 is National Cut Your Energy Costs Day…

Expect a post on this coming out (around) then!


I… I’ve given up on asking for a drumroll… so…. dunee dun dun…

Our theme is going to be new ideas (AKA inventions) to start off the new year! Sound good? Well, I honestly can’t hear if it sounds good to you or not… so let’s pretend you said yes. Wonderful! That’s that.

Alrighty! Post finished.

QOTD: What’s one of your new year’s resolutions?
AOTD: Buy something locally!

See you (or whatever you) in the comments!

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Severe Weather // Tornadoes

How. Do. You. Go. For. Like. 3. Weeks. In. The. Same. Clothes?! We watched abominable today in class and like… they literally wear the same thing for 3 weeks. It’s uh… it’s quite weird (plus they wear t-shirts in the snow, which is quite weird). ANYWHO, since you PROBABLY didn’t come here to hear me ramble (unless the only reason you- well, that- let’s just end this here)… let’s get to the actual intro to this post.

Merry 2-days-after Christmas! ‘Tis Naomi, and welcome or welcome back to the SSCC blog. This month’s post series is severe weather, and today we’ll be talking about tornadoes (which are a very confusing topic to research in relation to climate change, but which I think I’ve sorta figured out).

But fiiiirst, a quick note (well, two actually. But they’re both quick, so.): I’m very sorry I disappeared for a while… Christmas is busy and- and things… I’ll hopefully be back with the schedule soon…

And ALSO, I’m away from Sunday till Tuesday (this is a scheduled post, so you’re actually reading the thoughts/research of December 26 Naomi, not December 27 Naomi), so I won’t be able to reply to comments and such, but I’ll be back soon and can’t wait to see what you have to say!

(That wasn’t really a quick note, but oh well.)

Here goes!

So, here’s the thing. We can’t exactly say for certain that OH, CLIMATE CHANGE DIRECTLY RELATES TO TORNADOES TA-DA! However, we can say OH CLIMATE CHANGE WILL AFFECT THE THINGS THAT CAUSE TORNADOES AND THEREFORE EFFECT TORNADOES. But then again. You know how in a science experiment, you can only have one independent variable (the thing that you change)? Well, it’s kinda like that. Things like el Nino could be affecting tornadoes as well (yep, I told you, it gets confusing). So, what causes tornadoes?

In the US, we know that the things causing storms will become more common due to climate change. However, we don’t exactly know if tornadoes will be caused by this. Not all storms will result in tornadoes, only a few, so it’s difficult to know if climate change will truly cause more tornadoes.

Confusing, hm?

So. In short, we’re not sure. Scientists know severe storms will increase, but we’re still iffy on tornadoes. We’re still learning as much as we can, and so we don’t know for sure.

Allen, John. “Is Climate Change Making Tornadoes Worse? Here Are 3 Things That Scientists Know.”, 14 Dec. 2021, Accessed 22 Dec. 2021.

National Geographic Society. “Tornadoes and Climate Change.” National Geographic Society, 24 Oct. 2019,

Alrighty roo! That would be all! Hopefully, I didn’t confuse you TOO much…

Question of the day: Do you think tornadoes are caused by climate change?
Action of the day: Next time you go to a restaurant, ask (POLITELY puh-lease) where their food comes from. (I know, it doesn’t have to do with the post, but it’s helpful…)


Posted in Contests/ Fun Stuff, Uncategorized

Vote! // Something To Save

Did you know that it’s IMPOSSIBLE to draw a sloth? If someone knows how to draw a sloth, tell me right away. Pleeeeeease. I’m making a food web and we have to draw a bunch of animals and sloths. Are. IMPOSSIBLE. Anywho, since you probably don’t care too much…

Heya! ‘Tis Naomi, and we’re going to be doing voting for the Something To Save Contest since it’s IMPOSSIBLE to judge contests.

I’m very very sorry I haven’t been sticking to schedule – life is like ‘NAOMI YOU MUST DO MOOOOORE’ and I’m like ‘EEEEEEK’, and so I might take a hiatus or not post as often- but I’ll tell you what I decide soon!

Anywho, what you’re here for: the voting!

The entries are numbered one through four instead of having names, and they’re in no particular order. Here we gooo!

Earth is a beautiful place,
It’s one of the planets in space,
Its the best place there could be,
It’s lovely from land to sea.

On the land animals wander,
And people walk and ponder,
From the tallest mountains
To the lowest plains,
Earth is the prettiest place,
A nature filled maze!

In the sea fish dive and leap,
They swim in the deep,
In the depths of the sea,
Coral lies hidden, so pretty!

Dolphins dive in and out,
Whales spurt water from their spout!
Oh Earth is honestly the best,
Our little home, our nest!

But Mother Earth is dying to this day,
She is slowly floating away.

For people like you and me,
Whoever we might be,
Pollute the Earth.

The place of out birth.

Yet, she isn’t gone yet,
Right now, her dying is only a threat.

If we don’t make a change,
Bad things could happen at a great range.
We can save her by doing the simplest things,
To her, life they shall bring!

I was challenged to write a negative outlook on this topic.. “Why should the earth not be saved? ” well at first I thought the earth is not gonna be here forever.. the sun will undeniably gulp it in a few billion years, and the only way to survive that event is to be multi-terrestrial species. Find a survivable space rock, leave this polluted planet, get a brand new fresh start.. and make that a better earth. Then if/when we screw that up.. find another planet.. and then maybe another galaxy.. wait wait stop.. Humans are smart beings and all, but how can we move to a different planet ,if we can’t even solve global warming?! We can’t save the earth, obviously. We might be able to save our selfish selves.. but we don’t really deserve it, do we? besides.. all that effort wouldn’t matter because after a few million light years black holes will eat up the entire universe. LIFE WILL NOT EXIST FOREVER! That’s a lot right.. overwhelmed?? then of course we don’t know what exactly happens is black holes.. and life might exist in them, but we will not know for sure till we study it. And we can’t really study it if we all die burnt to crisp by UV rays. Ohh god I am spiraling.. (this stuff happens when you ask me a question like this.. you can just skim through my ramble.. okay?.. and don’t judge.. it is not in my control now!!!) Getting back to the topic- the gorgeous trees, the amazing oceans, the beautiful mountains, the wonderful rivers, and all the pretty stuff in nature is something rare. It is not found anywhere else. I wouldn’t want to give that up for a million “barely survivable” planets. The earth is special.. and it deserves to be safe as long as it can. Undeniably, one day it will be destroyed by a comet, or the sun, or a black hole… but it shouldn’t have to die because of humans. We should let nature and the universe take its course with this remarkable planet. So lets take a step back humans, lets stop ruining this planet.. and die. Uhm that came out wrong.. uhmm.. so.. We shall leave the earth in peace, not pieces. Nope, still sounds wrong.. but I am not taking it back! think on it.. and spiral comrade!! p.s. no, I don’t need help.. I am a sane person.. these are just my 3 a.m , 6 a.m, 10 am, 5 pm, 6 pm, 11 pm…. all time thoughts!!! Ughh don’t act like you’ve never had such conversations with yourself.

Alrighty roo! You shall see my words again on Saturday (or at least I hope you will), and maybe even before that if we chat in the comments!

Anywho, QOTD: What’s your favorite thing about our earth?


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Answering Your Questions! // Part Final (Or, if that sounds weird, part 3)

Does that title sound weird, though? Do people SAY Part Final? I feel like… well, ok, would LAST work better? Part last? They…. they don’t have a word that sounds good… I…. SERIOUSLY, English language people?! I mean, there’s a weird word for mess up – flub (and I’m using that word now)… why can’t you… where am I going? This is pointless, isn’t it?

Ello! ‘Tis Naomi, and since I should proooobably finish my 100 follower celebration (Thank you so much!), and also since I don’t feel like doing any other posts I’ll be finishing the answering of your questions.

If you are wondering what on EARTH is happening…. I shall just refer you to this post.

So! Let’s get started with our final batch of Q + A.

What’s the inspiration behind your blog? Why SSCC when you could have named it anything else?

Long story.

*clears throat*

*ow I actually scratched it*

*how on earth do people clear their throats without hurting them?*

So, I actually started this as an organization-type-thing, and not a blog.

It was a group of friends that did things to stop climate change (yes, that was literally what it was. Not really sure what my thought train there was. *shrugs*), and so I named it “The Society To Stop Climate Change”.

Later, when we made it a blog, the name just carried over… and then I got lazy… plus, I decided I liked SSCC better (it sounds better somehow? I… we’re just going with it).

When did you discover your passion to save the earth and stop climate change?

Ooh, I like this question! K, so I don’t really think of this as a passion, because it’s just like… our planet is dying, and if we don’t do something about it, we won’t have a future (or not a good one, in any case).

And, well, it’s just natural to me to want to change and stop it.

Sooo when my friends started The Valley Animal Protectors and Ocean Heroes, I decided that this was the way I could do something about it!

Who is your role model in the climate change activist world?

Rowan actually asked a question along those lines, and I answered it in this post.

But uh, since I got two of these questions, can I say another person? Pleaseee?

So so so, I really really look up to so many climate change activists, but today I’ll say Artemisa Xakriaba… I actually did a post on her here! It actually has good information, although it’s an older post, and well… wow, what a change has occurred.

Also, don’t you think I should continue the activist spotlight posts? OoOH IDEAS! *rubs hands together*

Anyway, I think that she’s super cool because she’s really fighting for her earth. She’s native American, and is just… super cool.

This is her! Not my image.

Aaand there you are! That was a SHORT post… but I hope you enjoyed!

I shall see your words in the comments!

QOTD: Let’s steal Charlie’s question… who’s your environmental role model?


Posted in government, Uncategorized

Government // Ways We’re Getting Our Voices Heard

Warning Warning Warning: I have 0 brain cells (if you were wondering, it’s cause I did gifted testing for 2 hours straight yesterday AND then did my science + English tests, AND did marching band practice – Oh and I walked into a glass wall {seriously they shouldn’t make glass so… CLEAN… SOMEONE DIRTY THE GLASS}), and therefore this post might be weird

Hiya! It’s Naomi (Do I really need to say that? I mean liiiike others have been writing on here a bit recently, but like doesn’t everyone just ASSUME it’s me? Gosh what a conundrum {oh I spelled that wrong whoops let’s fix it}), and I’m here today with one of our government posts!

Soooo… I’ll probably be doing a bunch of individual posts on some different ways to get your voice heard, but I thought a sort of quick compilation here would be good! So… here it iiis!

I did a post a while back on this one, but it’s… horrible a bit weird, so I’ll just sort of restate!

A petition is a request that someone makes to the government that’s signed by many people to get the attention of a changemaker. These are a great way to make a change – and they’re simple to sign, too! I highly recommend for finding good petitions. There are a bunch of good petitions out there like this one or this one!

I just did a post – you can find it right here – on this, and so I’m going to refer you right over to that one!

Protests – marches and such – are an amazing way to get to the changemakers! These are pretty fun to go to, and I encourage you to attend one or even START one in your area! Should I make a post about this? I think so!

Question(s) of the day: Have you done any of these things? Do you know any other ways to make your voice heard? Tell me in the comments!

Alrighty roo! Thanks for reading this pooost! I had lots of fun writing it…

‘Till the next post…


Hm Naomi, interesting voice you just took on there.

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Contest Results! // Art For The Environment

Naomi is quite aware that this post was SUPPOSED to be out yesterday
She is super sorry, and she HOPES that once she gets her computer (hopefully today!), she’ll post more regularly + frequently (and give me more time to drool on her computer!)
Thank you…
-Naomi’s cat, Juniper

that was weird. anywaaay

Hi there! It’s Naomi, and today we have the contest results so…. *jazz hands*

Here goes!

EEERM… Well! I don’t actually have enough here for there to BE an honorable mention… so uh… we’ll just skip to uh… 2nd place… uh thanks!

*cue nervous giggling*

Oh come on, scroll away from here! My talking’s not importaaant

Although seriously, my talking kind of IS… I mean… sorta?

For 2nd place, we have… dun dun dun… a TIE!

So so so, I’m just going to keep it as a tie (*shrugs*), and give both amazing pieces recognition!

That tie was between Entry 4, and Entry 3! So… RUBY and CLARA congratulations! They were amazing!

And… the moment you’ve all been waiting for… (or maybe not but who cares. I mean uh I… um… moving on)

So…. we’re gonna do the annoying dots thing! Here goes!




































It took me FOREVER to find the period key… errmm…























Almost done! This is fun! (Ohhhh I RHYMED!)













#1! Charlie @ Charlie Forever!


Also, yes…. Naomi Domi is not my official real name, but it’s my NON-OFFICIAL real full name!

Alrighty roo (bringing back that old phrase), that wraps this up!

Congrats to everybody!

QOTD: What should I do for the contest this month? I have a few ideas, but I want to hear yours!

Thanks for reading! BYEEE!

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Goodbye Au-September, Hello Octobeer!

Time really went wonky this month. I mean, seriously. Like, there was this day. September 17th. And I was asked what the date was. And my brain was just liiike… It’s STILL September? and then it was like It’s ALREADY September? and then it was like Maybe it’s not September… and then it was like Well… uh… when ELSE would it be? and then it was like Maybe AUGUST or NOVEMBER. So, ya know, time. Is strange. And anyway, let’s stop getting weird about how time passes (also you know how strange it is that it DOES? Like uh, how does that work? I get myself confused when I think about it. Like moments and time and why and- shall we stop? Yes we shall), and actually make a good kind of intro!

Heyy there! Naomi here, and I’m going to be doing my monthly wrap-up post – for OCTOBER! Ee, right?! October October October! Anyhoooooow… September was… well… my computer broke so don’t get mad I didn’t accomplish… like… anything! *hides*


*Peeks out*

Ok. So anywho, let’s begin!

I literally typed August (looking back) here. You see, it feels like September… I don’t know what. September was the weeeirdest month…


  1. Do a contest
    HOOOORAY! We did. OH, and I know the results now, but I realized that there’s already a POST coming out today, so you’ll know the results on October 3rd! Also, clap for me anyone?

    (watch it! Now we have applause!)
  2. Write 14 posts
    Blame it on Veronica Roth everyboooody. How was I supposed to write 14 posts when I didn’t have my computer for 13 daaays…. Sorries.
  3. Current News (again)
    *ahem* So, given the few posts I actually DID do, the 1 current news post I did should count for more than if I did about 15, like usual! Don’t you think? So, ya know, I TOTALLY got this one. Moving ooon…
  4. Do an episode of the PODCAST
    No… blame it on Veronica Roth peooople! *hides*

What We DID Do

*Ahem* Not too much, but (EEE EEE) we got to 100 followers, so thank yooou!

This Month’s Media

I found the book Earth’s Changing Climate: Ocean’s And Climate Change on my school library’s “New Nonfiction” shelf, and even though it seemed a bit younger, I decided to check it out! I knew most of what was in it already, but it was a good informational quick read.

I ALSO read The Ones We’re Meant To Find (Yep, I’m linking it to my revieeew.).

Aand one of the articles we were given the choice to read in school was about how animals are adapting to climate change! Check it out riiight here.


  1. An episode of the podcast (once more)!
    Yep, I didn’t get to it last time, so… this time I have more faith! I won’t break my computer again… hopefully…
  2. 14 posts
    Aaand this one again…
  3. Contest!
    As is the custom, we shall have another contest! Yaysle!


*sighs* Can October please borrow some September holidays?


So so so.

We only did like 2 posts for the theme this month – so we’ll be repeating / continuing the government theme! Sound good? Good.

Alrighty roo! That was such a fun post to do! Thanks for reeeading!

Question Of The Day: What are you looking forward to in October?
